March 28, 2009

John's 'Weekly money making tip'

Im away in America atm, hence the not posting, so i haven't been nagging Max, In fact i believe max started crying yesterday because i hadn't posted on the blog... or because i left him

Okay so my money making tip this week has got to be one of the newer sites i've found You
What you do is sign up, complete an offer, this can be signing up to another website or a quick survery, which will earn you 60p, a free cube and a referral.
So what is a cube?
Your cube is your advertising cube, you link it to a website, it could be a referral link to another company (make yourself some extra cash) or perhaps you have your own website you want to link it to, your cube starts off at £1 but various things you do increase its value, for example referring 15 friends will earn you another £1, but the best one is completing offers, for example i signed up to Toluna, and i got an extra £20 for my cube.
So you are advertising your cube, and increasing its value, what's the point?
Increasing the value of your cube increases the chances of someone clicking it (people click cubes because its another way to earn money) Once you have increased your cube by a good percentage, maybe £20, you can sell it, making an easy and very profitable bit of money.
The best part is that it can all be done without paying a penny!
You can, if you want to pay for various things, more cubes, referrals, cash cubes (these make sure a paid amount of people click your cube)
Soon you will have an expensive cube, and you can sell it!
So check it out
Free advertising and a bit of money!

March 26, 2009

Max's website of the week

hey guys, i thought it was time to add to this blog as i haven't for about 5 days and john is getting mad ( he's so lame)
anyway i would like to introduce you to a new freind i made recentley and it is called it is a fun little site that pays you for commenting on disscusions and starting your own ones. you can make some freinds and also help people out with their problems. i've been doing it for about a week and i'm really enjoying it so please check it out.
it's not gunna get you a million pounds but it will help you make some handy change.
i hope that has helped you out and calmed john down (geeeez).
hope to see you on it, if you want to add me as a freind then look for woolford16
i would also like to tell you about a new site called green horse, it pays me for just being on the internet doing anything. if you want to join please go through this link so we can get more money.
it is a legit site that i have been on for a while and have made some good money on it.
have fun and thanks for reading

March 23, 2009

John's Blog - Last week of term

It's about time i did my own blog, i'm not sure what i'm going to write here, but i'll give it a shot, so the school term is coming to a close, and all the teachers are making sure we have lots of work for the holidays, we do have AS levels coming up, so i guess it's fair.
So what shall i write about?
Max is my business studies friend, we didnt really know anything about the other one until this year, but we get along really well, i guess he must have seen me on a money website or something because we talk about that alot now, we both want to get rich quick, but don't want to work for it lol
We both get alot with pretty much everyone, i get along especially well with his mom ;)
Joking Max, she's not that good

I have alot of websites that i want to share with you guys, but i don't want to give you them all, and then have nothing else to write about, i might do a couple at a time though

What else...
Erm, what else, I do Business studies with Max, DT (design technology) Maths, and IT.
I have an xbox which i talk to Max on, I like to argue with random people on it, I sing and do weird accents too, its great fun to wind them up! Add me if you'd like, my name is Ediblebob..
Okay so i'll explain Ediblebob, it's the name i use for everything online, check it on google, I wanted the most random name i could think of, [adjective] [name], so i thought of the name bob, nice and short and it kind of makes the mouth pop.. idk, and a really weird adjective would have to be edible, so i'm known as everything from Yummy, to bob, to edi.
At school i have different nicknames too, Caddy, cadman, John, Cad, johnny..

yeah so i've done enough of my blog for a long time

March 22, 2009

John's 'Stories of the week'

I thought as our weekly sunday post we could have some stories of things around the world, I did plan on keeping within stories from that week, but there some funny ones out there from ages ago.
So as it's my turn to do something, i'll be doing these stories, Next week i'll give Max a few good websites to check out
So my favorite story this week is from last november, but my blog my rules right?
'A man who bought a spider drawing on eBay refuses to pay $15,000'

'A man who placed the $15,000 winning bid for a photograph of a hand-drawn seven-legged spider says he has no intention of paying up.

The digital image originated from a popular viral email in which a graphic designer attempts to pay an overdue bill with his spider drawing.

It was auctioned on eBay last week after the email spread around the globe.'

Check out the email here
and the original article here

"I love his cheek in the email, I'm definitely doing this next time i need to deal with someone" J

This next story is about a man who fell from the top floor of his building down an elevator shaft, only to land on another person and survive
Fancy meeting you here!

'A German man survived a 25ft plunge down a lift shaft when he landed on a woman who had fallen down it a day before.

Jens Wilhelms, 27, was unhurt after landing on the 57-year-old woman and managed to free himself from the shaft at the apartment block in Frankfurt am Main where he lived.

He called out rescue services who took the woman to hospital. Doctors said she is in a critical condition after sustaining injuries in her original fall - and then again when Wilhelms landed on her.'

Check out the original article here
"This made me laugh, I probably shouldn't, but that poor woman!" J

Another story that caught my attention won one of 2007's IG nobel prize awards
The 'Gay' bomb
Pioneering research into a "gay bomb" that makes enemy troops "sexually irresistible" to each other has scooped one of this year's Ig Nobel Prizes.
Original article here
"What if you are already 'sexually irresistible' to others?" J

This story has got to be a lot of people's worst nightmare!
Child receives Death threats from Elmo
A Lithia family says a cuddly, programmable Elmo doll revealed its dark side yesterday after fresh batteries were installed.

Instead of singing songs or reciting the favorite color of its 2-year-old owner, James Bowman, the doll started making death threats, the family says.

With a squeeze of its fuzzy belly, the Sesame Street character now says, in a sing-song voice, "Kill James."

Original article here
"Would have been scarier if someone was killed... or Elmo had a switchblade" J

My last story this week.
Rock growing a new hairstyle
On March 16, 2007, an unusual rock went on display in Beijing. This rock has "hair," almost identical to human hair, growing out of its "head."
The rock is iron gray in color, naturally smooth and rounded, and is similar to a cobblestone.

There is also a very thin layer of scalp tissue co
nnecting the "hair" to the rock. The hair is grey in color and similar to the color of the rock itself. The hair grows quite naturally from the top with the longest strands being about 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. The hair is slightly coarser than human hair.
Original article here
"Could have at least made the rock look fabulous.." J

March 20, 2009

Almost the end of week 1

Week 1 is coming to an end yet there is still so much to be done, from publicising our blog, to doing the logo (I'm on that, J).
We've done a lot to get it started, posted our separate posts on different topics, talking about future ideas, and contacting Sponsors and other blogs to get a bit of publicity.
Although we both are busy during the day, and most of the evening, finding time to post on this blog, or check up on it is easy enough, I actually look forward to checking if im beating max in the blog (Who voted for Max anyway?).
We are taking our turns to do various posts, and next week it will all switch round, I already know what my money making tip will be, You lucky people!
So, nearing the end of our first week, i think it should be time for a few more questions, to see both our points of view.

Are you enjoying the world of blogging? if so, which bit most?
John: Yeah, i wanted to do a blog before, but i had other things to do, i guess having Max to motivate me helped :D, I think my favorite part has got to be the prospect of money, or at least more money than i have at the moment. I am looking forward to my next posts and i want to get them out there, let you enjoy them, I've introduced a few people to the next website, and they really like it, so keep an eye out.

Max: Yeah, when ever i have time i check out the blogg and see what i can update. it's good fun and me and John know that we won't be making heaps of money but it's nice to know that we might be helping a special individual somewhere out there.
the best bit in my opinoin is the website of the week which is not just about making money but also having fun and finding something that you can enjoy on the internet that won't spam the hell out of your computer.

What do you think is the best part of your blog (or will be)?
Max: Allways for me the money making aspect is going to be where i get the most enjoyment out of this blogg, probably because i like making money by doing little things on the internet and i bet you do to!
but i also like watching hilarious videos of people ejaculating into their pants and coming back from the doctor high. also if alot of people vote for a specific post then maybe we will do more of that one.

John: Great videos are always fun, but i think the best bit will be the Money making tips, Max and I, have been doing this for a few months, I've been doing it for about a year and i've earnt about £160 in total so i know what i'm talking about, All the sites we refer to you will be checked and used by us before we mention them to you. I'm going to enjoy showing up Max with ma skillz!

Once you start advertising your site, and basically encouraging people to look, do you think it will be a success, will people bookmark your blog?
John: Realistically i dont think we will have many viewers, i think if we can encourage people to have a look at our blog, then they may be more inclined to keep looking, checking up every week or so to see the new updates, so word of mouth and advertising is our main objective now.

Max: If i had found this site i would honestly bookmark it because it has regualr updates on sites that you should really check out, i would expect this site to become reasonably successful as me and John know that you people want to get the best out of the internet. i wish i had found a site like this, it would of helped filter the crap stuff and keep the good stuff. one point i would like to make is that you can trust that all these sites are good because me and John have been using tham all for months now.

What is your part in the blog?
Max: we will be rotatting jobs every week but i like to think of myself as the guy who give out the best and most worthwile sites and John is the idiot who luckily found some good sights whalst looking for porn!

John: I do all the technical crap like the sidebar, the sponsors and categories, Max basically writes every now and then, It's hard enough for his brain to handle that, let alone asking him to do anything to do with HTML..

Do you have plans of your own for new topics in the future?
John: I think so, I'd like to have a few more topics going on so our viewers always have something to keep them interested, maybe a guest every month or so? I'm not sure, im open to suggestions really

Max: ummm, i have loads of sites still to show you and im finding new ones all the time, you will to if you keep coming back to the blogg. i might start looking at bringing in a music update and some samples of music that you might find sweet.

Describe the other person in less than 20 words
Max: John is asian, enough said..... joke, he is okay i guess, but sometimes he comes on to me!

John: I'm not asian, its complicated okay!?! Max is more yellow than me, and he's the one who messes with the guys.

Who is the funniest?
John: Depends if you like sarcasm or not, if you do, I'm your man, if you don't, i'm still funnier than that Loser Max... I mean.. bloggin partner Max! my bestest bud....
Max is one of those people who when he is being serious, you want to burst into laughter right in his ugly boil covered blonde haired face!

Max: i'm no doubt funnier than John, i mean he only makes me laugh when i look at his face.
i'm a joke a minute!

Max's game of the week - halo wars

hey bloggers
this is my first post about a game and thought that it should go to almighty Halo wars
i know that this game may not be for everyone but i have been playing alot recentley, trying to get all the achievements.
there are some really cool things about it like the spartans, the convenant and definetley the scarab.
there are also things that make it seem closer to its counterparts like skulls that are hidden on every map.
it has kept me coming back to it for a while and i'm still playing it to this day.
i thought i should give you a sneak preview of the game so you can see if you like the look of it

thanks for reading

March 19, 2009

John's 'Video of the week' - David after Dentist

So i get to do a video of the week, its different from music video, I know this one has been around for a while, but it has to be mentioned just in case you havent seen it.
David after Dentist
'He had just had a tooth removed due to Hyperdontia or extra tooth. This was taken in the parking lot of the dentist office. He was so out of it. The staff was even laughing. This lasted for a few hours and he was fine. He even laughed at the video that night.
So basically this kid gets high after having been to the dentist, and he starts talking about random things, and his Dad films it and sticks it on Youtube.

But then, there's an even better version, there is quite a bit of swearing.. well its basically all swearing, but it is funny so check it out.

March 18, 2009

John's 'Weird Gadget of the week' - RSStroom Feeder

These are the kind of genius gadgets that make this world what it is today, technology smart, free of pollution and away from debt.
This 'Rsstroom reader' hooks up to your computer wirelessly, and prints of RSS feeds right to your toilet paper, for you to read while doing whatever it is you are doing...but thats not it!
Oh no, it is intergrates 'biometrically' with your toilet, it will weigh you, and deliver a customized news feed according to your weight.
I'm guessing some diet facts for those extremely overweight people, and cooking tips to the underweight..
So watch out when you see this machine in your pub toilet, most likely its going to give you its opinion about your weight.

Okay, so this is fake, but you want one anyway.. don't you?

Max's music video of the week- Jizz in my pants

hey people, hope you are finding are blog usefull and fun.

If you want to laugh then you have come to the right place, the video im going to post is called jizz in my pants and is made by the lonely island if you have heard of them also the people in the video stared in a film called Hot Rod which is also very funny.
i wont give away too much but you can probably guess what it is about, the suprising thing is that it is done very professionaly.
i know you will laugh so much that you might jizz your pants...... i almost did.
anyway, here it is

March 17, 2009

Max's weekly update on money making tips -

hey guys and gals
it's Max here the one who is cooler

well, this is my first update on websites i have found that i think you should check out, and for my first one i will choose

this incredibly addictive site is one of my favs, so basically on this site you get points for playing mini-games, commenting and rating those games, adding freinds already on the site and even for just logging on to the site (no joke) in fact you get more points for just logging in then actually playing a game!
then once you have enough points (which will take a while) you can trade thim in for cool prizes like ipods, games consoles and gift cards and even if you dont care about the prizes there is still thousands of games to play, and many freinds to make on the site.

one thing i do ask of you is to sign up through my refferal so you will already be my freind and we both get extra points,
thanks for reading my update on money making tips, and come back later when ill give out another website thats worth you taking a gander
thanks again

John's 'Website of the week' -

So i get the first proper blog post :D has been one of my favorite websites for a few months, it gets updated daily with different 'Fails' around the world, from newscasters to bad translations.
It's best for when you are bored and you don't have anything you have to do.

A few 'Fails'
more fail, owned and pwned pics and videos

more fail, owned and pwned pics and videos

Hope you realise my 'Website of the week' is better than Max's

Starting up

I thought the best way to introduce our blog was to make a few questions and both of us answer them to give you an idea what our blog is about, and who we are.

Why did you make this blog?

Most for the Moolah i guess, Max and I were talking about it and we got kind of excited about the prospect of an easy way to make money, after futher investigation on the web... not much 'Moolah' is involved, but if we get a kick out of it, while hopefully providing a bit of entertainment for the world wide web, it's all good!

Well i started this blog so me and my buddy could make some extra cash and tell all the people out there about some cool sites that earn me a few extra pounds. Also we will be doing weekly updates on cool sites we have found that either make us laugh or earn some extra cash, so don't forget to come back and check out what sites we have recommended.

What kind of things are you going to be doing on your blog?

I'm more into the idea of having weird, funny websites updates, so i think everytime i find a new website, i'll post it on here. I'm also going to have my own part of the blog, to talk about my day, what i had to eat, who i got into a fight with (obviously i won)

I have already answered this question in the top paragraph, this is John's fault not mine!

So it's a joint effort between you two, how do you two get along?

Well i would say since we joined sixth form our friendship has grown probably because we have got my favourite lesson (buisness studies) together. we have the same sense of humour and enjoy the same lust for earning whatever money we can find, and what ever hilarious clips we can find out there. overall i would say we were best buds and we rarely fall out.

Fall out? never! It's true Business studies is my favorite lesson, because i can mess around with max, we spend time talking about the new ducks, random things, laughing at each other, and talking about new websites we found to earn money..
We get a few laughs, thats what its all about... right?...

Back to the blog, what kind of audience are you aiming this at?

Me and John will be posting different stuff each week, so personally i will be aiming for teenagers and above. remember John's may be different as he will posting his own favourite sites.

Hey, bring the whole family! It really will vary, some things may interest all ages, such as the money making posts and the various videos, but some might not be suitable for everyone, it really depends on your sense of humour i guess.

What are you most excited about while making this blog?

The idea of measly amounts of money.. and entertaining the couple of people who actually see this blog?

Nice one John, to be honest i know we aren't going to be making large amounts of money so my main interest is letting you guys know about the websites that are really worth your time.

What do you think will be the most popular part?

Well my part will probaly be the best as i know that you guys want to know only about the best websites and the funniest videos, i think John's part will be the part that people skip to come and look at mine!

Ahem.. We are taking it in turns to do the Weekly posts, so you will want to check out both, but i guess if you have a liking for my posts, just check out mine, it's easier that way :D
I'm guessing the money making tips will be the most popular as everyone loves money right? and if you don't have to pay a penny to get some, it's basically theft, but legal.. and not theft..

What will you be bringing to the blog individually, and what will you be doing together?

We haven't really talked about who will be doing which bits, it will probably alternate, but I'll get my own blog, and probably the random websites bit too

First i would like to let you know that John did these questions, so it is his fault that they are all the same. Anyway, i will be bringing class and style and we might join together when we need to find some more specific sites.

Describe each other, the best and worst points.

I will start with the positives, john is kind, helpfull, good sense of humour and will back me up if needed. but on the other he has funny looking eyes, sorry John.

Well, i'm glad i made Max go first, okay, so... Max is funny and fun to have around, and he doesn't whine, he does have a tendency to spit his Hot chocolate everywhere around the school, but and he attracts unnatural male attention

How did you two meet?

Through school, this year we began friends really, i don't really remember him before, we became friends mostly in Business Studies, laughing at childish innuendos and insulting each other..

we have been at the same school for a while but i never really noticed him before, but now we have the same lesson we talk every day and our freindship has grown pretty quickly actually. thats all the questions, but by the time you've read this i would of put up a weekly update on any worthwile sites you should check out so dont forget to check it out and tell your mates. cheers for reading.

John: Yeah thank you for reading, the first posts will be coming along shortly