Week 1 is coming to an end yet there is still so much to be done, from publicising our blog, to doing the logo
(I'm on that, J).
We've done a lot to get it started, posted our separate posts on different topics, talking about future ideas, and contacting Sponsors and other blogs to get a bit of publicity.
Although we both are busy during the day, and most of the evening, finding time to post on this blog, or check up on it is easy enough, I actually look forward to checking if im beating max in the blog (Who voted for Max anyway?).
We are taking our turns to do various posts, and next week it will all switch round, I already know what my money making tip will be, You lucky people!
So, nearing the end of our first week, i think it should be time for a few more questions, to see both our points of view.
Are you enjoying the world of blogging? if so, which bit most?John: Yeah, i wanted to do a blog before, but i had other things to do, i guess having Max to motivate me helped :D, I think my favorite part has got to be the prospect of money, or at least more money than i have at the moment. I am looking forward to my next posts and i want to get them out there, let you enjoy them, I've introduced a few people to the next website, and they really like it, so keep an eye out.
Max: Yeah, when ever i have time i check out the blogg and see what i can update. it's good fun and me and John know that we won't be making heaps of money but it's nice to know that we might be helping a special individual somewhere out there.
the best bit in my opinoin is the website of the week which is not just about making money but also having fun and finding something that you can enjoy on the internet that won't spam the hell out of your computer.
What do you think is the best part of your blog (or will be)?Max: Allways for me the money making aspect is going to be where i get the most enjoyment out of this blogg, probably because i like making money by doing little things on the internet and i bet you do to!
but i also like watching hilarious videos of people ejaculating into their pants and coming back from the doctor high. also if alot of people vote for a specific post then maybe we will do more of that one.
John: Great videos are always fun, but i think the best bit will be the Money making tips, Max and I, have been doing this for a few months, I've been doing it for about a year and i've earnt about £160 in total so i know what i'm talking about, All the sites we refer to you will be checked and used by us before we mention them to you. I'm going to enjoy showing up Max with ma skillz!
Once you start advertising your site, and basically encouraging people to look, do you think it will be a success, will people bookmark your blog?John: Realistically i dont think we will have many viewers, i think if we can encourage people to have a look at our blog, then they may be more inclined to keep looking, checking up every week or so to see the new updates, so word of mouth and advertising is our main objective now.
Max: If i had found this site i would honestly bookmark it because it has regualr updates on sites that you should really check out, i would expect this site to become reasonably successful as me and John know that you people want to get the best out of the internet. i wish i had found a site like this, it would of helped filter the crap stuff and keep the good stuff. one point i would like to make is that you can trust that all these sites are good because me and John have been using tham all for months now.
What is your part in the blog?Max: we will be rotatting jobs every week but i like to think of myself as the guy who give out the best and most worthwile sites and John is the idiot who luckily found some good sights whalst looking for porn!
John: I do all the technical crap like the sidebar, the sponsors and categories, Max basically writes every now and then, It's hard enough for his brain to handle that, let alone asking him to do anything to do with HTML..
Do you have plans of your own for new topics in the future?John: I think so, I'd like to have a few more topics going on so our viewers always have something to keep them interested, maybe a guest every month or so? I'm not sure, im open to suggestions really
Max: ummm, i have loads of sites still to show you and im finding new ones all the time, you will to if you keep coming back to the blogg. i might start looking at bringing in a music update and some samples of music that you might find sweet.
Describe the other person in less than 20 wordsMax: John is asian, enough said..... joke, he is okay i guess, but sometimes he comes on to me!
John: I'm not asian, its complicated okay!?! Max is more yellow than me, and he's the one who messes with the guys.
Who is the funniest?John: Depends if you like sarcasm or not, if you do, I'm your man, if you don't, i'm still funnier than that Loser Max... I mean.. bloggin partner Max! my bestest bud....
Max is one of those people who when he is being serious, you want to burst into laughter right in his ugly boil covered blonde haired face!
Max: i'm no doubt funnier than John, i mean he only makes me laugh when i look at his face.
i'm a joke a minute!